The company “Bambolino”, which manages the web page, offers its services to the users of the above web page under the following terms of use. You are kindly requested, prior to continuing the browsing, to carefully read the following terms. The use of the web page implies the unreserved acceptance of the present terms. If you do not agree, you should leave the web page and NOT use any of its services and content.

The company “Bambolino” is entitled to amend at any time, without notice, the present terms of use, by relatively informing the text for any amendment or addition.


The company “Bambolino” does not bear in any case liability for compensation or restitution for any direct or indirect loss and damage that results from the use of the present web page.


The content of the web page (indicatively, marks, distinctive features, photographs, texts, etc.) constitutes the intellectual and industrial property of the company “Bambolino” and it is protected by the provisions of the Greek, the European and the international law. As a consequence, it cannot constitute wholly or partly the object of an amendment, copy, reproduction, sale, distribution or transmission in any manner, unless there is a relative explicit permission on the part of “Bambolino”.

The products or the services of third parties (other organizations, companies, etc.) appearing on the web page constitute their own intellectual and industrial property and therefore the respective owners bear the liability for the above.


Every transaction between the company “Bambolino” and any natural or legal person remains confidential and it is not disclosed, with the exception of the cases determined by the law, following the issuance of a relative decision by the competent authorities.


During the visit of the web page and in order to ensure the possibility of communication so that the users are informed on the services of “Bambolino”, it is possible that personal data is requested (first name, last name, profession, electronic address, telephone, etc.). The personal data declared anywhere on the web page are intended exclusively and solely for ensuring the operation of the respective service and they may not be used without the observance of the provisions of the Law 2472/97 with respect to the protection from the processing of the personal data. If you are under 16 years of age, you MUST have your parents’ consent before using the services of the present web page.

With respect to the present web page’s server

All web traffic (file transfer) between this website and your browser is encrypted and it is transferred via the HTTPS protocol using the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).

Our third-party data processors

We use a number of third parties for the processing of personal data for us. These bodies have been carefully selected, in order to comply with the legislation mentioned in the present text.

Data Breaches

For all your personal information that shall be stored in our data base, all the necessary measures for safeguarding these shall be taken.
We shall report any eventual illegal breach of the data base of this website or of the data base of any third-party data processor to anyone and to all those directly concerned, as well as to the authorities within 72 hours from the breach, if it is obvious that the personal data stored in an identifiable form have been stolen.


The users accept, agree and stipulate that they shall lawfully and appropriately use the web page In the event of illegal use or of use contrary to the present terms of the web page, the users are obliged to compensate “Bambolino” for its incidental and consequential damage.


The present terms of use, as well as any future amendment of these, are governed by the Greek law. For any dispute that may eventually arise, the courts of Athens are determined as competent.


For any question or clarification, contact us and we shall be happy to serve you! You can also call as at the number +302105624400

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